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Holiday Appartment

For anyone who doesn’t have their own caravan, but still wants to enjoy the benefits of our campsite – such as the sociable barbecue evenings, the bathing pond and the children’s playground – we have a spacious 4-star holiday apartment with balcony for 4 to 5 people on the second floor of our main building.

Perhaps you like that camping feeling, but preferably in something more comfortable than a tent or caravan? No problem! In our 4-star holiday apartment with two bedrooms for 4 to 5 people you can enjoy the camping holiday atmosphere while spending the night in a comfortable private space of your own. You can feel fully refreshed when you visit the sights in the area or relax by our bathing pond – and you can always return to your generous 85 square metres of private space. Take advantage of all the facilities on our campsite with the additional luxury of your own kitchen and bathroom as well as a combined dining and living room. You will find everything you need in the apartment, including TV, crockery, bed linen and towels.

You can also enjoy all the advantages of a KönigsCard from the “Vitales Land” tourism association for the length of your stay.

Reservation fee: EUR 50.00

In the event of a cancellation, the deposit will be used as compensation for expenses incurred and for advertising for new guests. With any cancellations from the 10th to the 4th day before arrival, 60% of the booked amount is charged (minus deposit) and to be paid.
With any cancellations from the 3rd day before arrival, 80% of the rental costs is charged (minus deposit) and to be paid.
In cases of failure to arrive, 80% of the booked amount is charged (minus deposit).

We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance when booking our rental properties.

ATTENTION: Visitors who have booked a pitch at the campsite may not be received as guests in the holiday apartment.



  • 85 qm
  • 4-5 People
  • 1x double & 3 x single bed
  • 1
  • available



Ferienwohnung / Holiday Apartment


Ferienwohnung / Holiday Apartment 2025

Nebensaison / Low season
Hauptsaison / Peak season
Pro Nacht / per Night / 2 Personen (People) - min 3 Nächte / min 3 nights 100,00 € 105,00 €
 jede weitere Person / every additional person (Kinder / children > 3 Jahre / Years) 15,00 € 15,00 €
Kurtaxe / Tourist tax (Person > 17 Jahre / Years) 0,50 € 0,50 €

Vermietung vom 28.05.-15.9. nur wöchentlich - Anzahlung 80,00 € / Rental from 28.05.-15.9. weekly only - deposit € 80.00

Bei der Anmietung unserer 4 Sterne Ferienwohnung erhalten Sie als kostenlose Zusatzleistung der Tourismusgemeinschaft „Vitales Land“ die KönigsCard mit zahlreichen attraktiven kostenlosen Leistungen!“

  • Anzahlung 80,– €, keine Haustiere.

Unser Tipp für Mietobjekte: Abschluß einer Reiserücktrittsversicherung.




Preise Schlaffass / sleeping barrels


 Leistung / Service

Preise / Prices

Zusatzinformation / Additional Information

Übernachten im eigenen Schlafsack 
(Overnight stay in your own sleeping bag) 

30,00 € pro Nacht inkl. 1 Person/1 person 

+ 0,50 € Kurtaxe Erw. / Nacht (Tourist tax adults / night)

Übernachten im eigenen Schlafsack - Fass XXL
(Overnight stay in your own sleeping bag - barrel XXL) 
34,00 € pro Nacht inkl. 1 Person/1 person

+ 0,50 € Kurtaxe Erw. / Nacht (Tourist tax adults / night)


2. Person

20,00 € Erw./adults und Nacht/night

20,00 € Kind/childund Nacht/night

+ 0,50 € Kurtaxe Erw. / Nacht ( Tourist tax adults / night)

Bettwäsche  (Bed linen )

7,50 € pro/per Person und Nacht  
Frühstück / Breakfast  13,00 €  pro/per Person  nach Absprache / according to the arrangement




Kartenzahlung oder PayPal erst ab 60€ möglich! (Bistro nur Barzahlung) - Card payment or PayPal only possible from 60€! (Bistro only cash payment)

Schlafhütte / sleeping cabin

 Leistung / Service

Preise / Prices

Zusatzinformation / Additional information

 Übernachten im eigenen Schlafsack
(Overnight stay in your own sleeping bag) 

34,00 € pro Nacht / night inkl. 1 Person / 1 person

+ 0,50 € Kurtaxe Erw. / Nacht (Tourist tax adults / night)

2. Person

20,00 € pro Person/Nacht (per person / night) + 0,50 € Kurtaxe Erw. / Nacht (Tourist tax adults / night)
 Bettwäsche  (Bed linen ) 7,50 pro Person/Nacht (per person / night)  
 Frühstück / Breakfast  13,00 € / Person  nach Absprache / according to the arrangement 

Buchungsmöglichkeit / Booking options 2025 vom / from 14.04.2025 - 05.10.2025
Anfrage Belegung / Request for occupancy: 08867/1500 oder / or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Belegung ab / Occupancy from 15.00 Uhr - Abreise bis / Departure until 10.00 Uhr

Alle vorhandenen Einrichtungen des Campingplatzes wie Duschen, Kochstelle, Badeweiher usw., können kostenlos mitbenutzt werden.

All existing facilities of the campsite such as showers, cooking area, swimming pond etc. can be used free of charge.


Kartenzahlung oder PayPal erst ab 60€ möglich! (Bistro nur Barzahlung) - Card payment or PayPal only possible from 60€! (Bistro only cash payment)